Over the years, we have developed a number of projects for church members of all ages and a brief summary of the range of activities for adults appears below.
Coffee Morning: Meets every Wednesday morning in the Community Room, from 10.00am until noon. Come along a share a welcoming drink of tea or coffee and make new friends.
Life Groups meet together to promote deeper Christian discipleship and pastoral care for each other through regular (usually fortnightly) commitment to Bible Study and other devotional activities, including prayer. We have groups for females, male groups, mixed groups and youth groups, whose members also give active support to various outreach ventures, including Wirral Foodbank, Wirral FUSS and the Food & Friends Friday Drop-In. There is an open invitation for you to try and maybe join one of these groups, who will offer a warm welcome to newcomers. Alternatively, if you feel none of the groups can cater for your spiritual nurture, please speak with our minister, or a member of the Leadership Team.
Monday Circle: The ladies of St. Luke’s have been meeting for more than 50 years under the banner of ‘Monday Circle’. Despite the name, the event is held on a Tuesday (fortnightly), from September to April. Most weeks there is an invited guest speaker on a variety of topics and on occasion, there is a charity night to raise money for a particular concern. Among many other projects, members have collected clothes for Romanian orphans and children from Chernobyl, filled shoe boxes for troops going to Afghanistan and closer to home, have donated scarves and gloves for the homeless in Birkenhead. Monday Circle is run by its members, with everyone taking their turn at serving on the committee, which is responsible for devising and organising the programme of activities.