Here at St. Luke’s Church we host a wide range of groups that cater for all ages. From our Junior Church and Crèche that takes place during morning worship, to Girl Guides, Coffee Mornings and Life Groups. Our facilities provide a comfortable location for people to meet and explore their relationship with God or simply to have fun and socialise.

Whats on?

Adult Groups

Coffee Morning: Meets every Wednesday morning in the Community Room, from 10.30am until 11.30am. Come along a share a welcoming drink of tea or coffee and make new friends.

Life Groups:

Life Groups meet together to promote deeper Christian discipleship and pastoral care for each other through regular (usually fortnightly) commitment to Bible Study and other devotional activities, including prayer.

We have groups for females, male groups, mixed groups and youth groups, whose members also give active support to various outreach ventures, including Wirral Foodbank, Wirral FUSS and the Food & Friends Friday Drop-In.  

There is an open invitation for you to try and maybe join one of these groups, who will offer a warm welcome to newcomers. Alternatively, if you feel none of the groups can cater for your spiritual nurture, please speak with our minister, or a member of the Leadership Team.

Monday Circle: The ladies of St. Luke’s have been meeting for more than 50 years under the banner of ‘Monday Circle’. As the name suggests, the event is held on a Monday (fortnightly), from September to April, and the usual format includes a guest speaker.

Childrens groups

TransformUs – Every Sunday, we operate a fully-staffed crèche for babies and tots aged 3 and under, while in TransformUs (our name for Junior Church), we teach the children (aged 4 – 14 years) about Jesus or other Bible stories. There is normally a craft activity and overall, the objective is to have fun!

Parents & Toddlers is for pre-schoolers and uses the Community Room and Sports Hall each Tuesday, from 1.45pm until 3.15pm. It’s also a good opportunity for parents or carers to get together for a chat.

Kidz Klub meets on Friday evenings, from 6.30pm until 8.00pm.  For children attending primary school, (Reception (F2) to Year 6), Kidz Klub takes place every Friday (during term time) from 6.30 – 8.00pm. Kids can take part in messy challenges, create an arty masterpiece, along with crafts to take home, learn some new dance moves and sing songs, get sporty and hear more about God’s story. We charge £1.30 and the children will be given a snack and a drink. The children also contribute with that money to our Compassion sponsored child, Freol, from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

For more information please email

Youth Groups
  • Time for teens: A youth group run by Jess Trigg for those aged 10 to 16 years of age. A chance to chill, chat and have fun every Wednesday 5pm to 7pm term time. For more information, please message Jess via Facebook or call on 07377122156
  • Youth Cafe: We hope to be able to restart our weekly Sunday night meeting (during term time) for 11 -18 year olds in the new year. An informal gathering where we encourage questions about faith and what it means to be a Christian and once a month, we change the format and it’s just an opportunity to relax and spend some time with friends, without Mum or Dad!is our weekly Sunday night project (during term time) for 11 -18 year olds and is an informal gathering where we encourage questions about faith and what it means to be a Christian. Once a month, we change the format and it’s just an opportunity to relax and spend some time with friends, without Mum or Dad!
  • The 1st Hoylake Guides troop, for girls aged 10 years or more, meets every Tuesday at 6.30pm during term time in the Sports Hall at St. Luke’s, with a varied programme of events.