Here you can meet some of the friendly faces you will find at St Luke’s.

Rev Noel Sharp

Cate Warbrick
Church and Community Lay Development Worker
Cate joined St Luke’s in February 2018 after a long career in NHS management and leadership. Her role as our Lay Development Worker is to primarily identify areas within the both the church and the community that need support and to facilitate this by recognising people’s gifts and enabling them to use them. Cate is training to be a Worship Leader and her driving passion is supporting people, teams and organisations to grow to all they can be.

Noel Schorah
Treasurer / Vision & Strategy Team
In addition to being a member of our Vision & Strategy Team, Noel is church treasurer. He aims to keep the finances healthy, so that our church can continue to grow and sustain God’s mission in our community. When not involved in voluntary work, he enjoys outdoor activities including cycling & orienteering.

Catriona Schorah
Parents & Toddlers
A lifelong Methodist, Catriona is responsible for helping run the weekly Parents & Toddlers and also 1st Hoylake (St Luke’s) Guides. Married to Noel, and a proud grandma, Catriona works as a Teaching Assistant at the local primary school.

Kathy Fegan
Music Lead / Worship leader
Kathy has worshipped God in the Methodist tradition since childhood, mainly in central mission churches while growing up. She learned to play the piano as a girl, attaining her Grade 8 examination, and much later as an adult went on to learn viola and violin. In 2001, with a few friends she started the St Luke’s worship band to introduce modern songs into worship, and now coordinates a band of various instruments and singers of all ages to help lead weekly worship.

Anne-Marie Smith
Safeguarding Lead
Anne-Marie has been part of the church family at St. Luke’s since 2000 when she first attended with her (then) future husband Rich. Their two children Ceri and Liam attend the junior church ‘TransformUs’. Anne-Marie has worked within the Financial Services industry for 20 years. The last 12 years of these she has worked as an internal business auditor.a bla

Trish Davies
Life Events Coordinator
Trish is married to Mike, and they have two grown-up daughters, Rachael and Laura. Trish is a retired Religious Education teacher and has been a Worship Leader at St. Luke’s for several years.

Rachael Faith Louise Davies
Kids Klub Leader

Sam Hepworth
Church Caretaker
Sam has worshipped at St Luke’s with her family since 2011, and joined the lay worker team as Caretaker in 2021, after a long career in teaching and school leadership. Her role is to oversee the maintenance and health and safety aspects of the church building fabric, and optimise the comfort and utility of the premises for the many current and future events internal and external groups lead to enhance our local community.

Craig Price
Worship Strategy Lead / Vision & Strategy Team
Craig chairs the Worship strategy team and regularly preaches at St Luke’s as well as elsewhere within the Wirral circuit and beyond. Outside of St Luke’s Craig is the Wirral Circuit Treasurer and currently serves on the Methodist Church’s Faith and Order Committee.

Clive & Chrissie McLaren
Food and Friends
Chrissie grew up in the Methodist church on the Wirral before moving away and getting married to Clive. She subsequently had five children that she home educated, and along with her family spent two years on mission in Tanzania, setting up and running a school for orphaned children.
Returning to the Wirral they settled at St. Luke’s in 2006 where Chrissie has been involved in various capacities. Clive is the co-facilitator for Food & Friends, our weekly Friday lunch club and ‘Drop In’.

Sandra Mealor
Saturday Club / Vision & Strategy Team

Dave Hepworth
Tech Team
Dave is originally from Yorkshire and has taught on the Wirral for over 20 years. He is married to Sam and father to William.

Andy Kemp
Church Council Secretary / FUSS
Andy is the part-time Co-ordinator of Wirral FUSS, a project supplying good quality School Uniform – FREE – to families on the Wirral. Uniform items are given regardless of family circumstances, as a sign of God’s grace, in the spirit and according to the values of God’s Kingdom. It also aims to care for God’s Creation by preventing large quantities of clothing from becoming landfill. Andy’s family has been a part of the church family at St Luke’s since 1988. During that time Andy has worked for the Methodist Church as a Lay Pastor and Church Community Worker in Liverpool, Warrington and Wirral. He is a Managing Trustee of both the Methodist Fund for Human Need and the Sea of Faith Network UK.